
Aruntathi - The Female Warrior

Rule 49 O

Text of Rule "49-O"

49-O. Elector deciding not to vote.-If an elector, after his electoral roll number has been duly entered in the register of voters in Form-17A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer and the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark.

Present Implications of Rule 49-O

Since the ballot paper / Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) contains only the list of candidates, a voter cannot record his vote under Section 49-O directly. He must inform the presiding officer at the election booth. This violates the secrecy of the ballot. However, with paper ballot a different method is used to "waste" ones vote, which is stamping on multiple candidates. In fact this was the standard method of giving null votes without violating secrecy before the advent of the EVM.

At present, in an election, a winner will be declared irrespective of the number of 'non-votes'. However, a note of every 'non-vote' will be made with the Election Officer, and the total number of non-voters will, presumably, be available under the Right to Information Act.



Venue: To be Announced (Probably in Chennai)

BOTIX is a 2 day hands-on workshop that focuses on introducing participants to the world of robotics. Split over 4 sessions participants are introduced to various concepts of robotics in each session and practically implement these concepts towards the end of each session. The sessions are designed to be concise to give participants more time for practical implementation. During the course of the workshop participants learn to build different types of robots including line following bots, obstacle avoiding bots & edge avoiding bots.

Dates: 8th & 9th May

Fees: 4500/- per team

Team Size: 3

Last Date for Registration: 30thApr



Pasanga Movie
